Examining the crime of money laundering as one of the manifestations of corruption and providing structural and economic mechanisms to fight against corruption

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Islamic Studies and Law/Imam Sadiq University (AS), Tehran, I.R.Iran

2 Department of Criminal Law and Criminology imam Sadiq, Tehran, I.R.Iran



One of the most important goals of any economic system is to achieve sustainable economic growth and health. One of the visions of the world systems is to improve the economic health and transparency of the financial sectors of the society. One of the important factors that negatively affects the growth and economic health of a society in the long term is the phenomenon of money laundering. In money laundering, proceeds from criminal and illegal activities are placed in legitimate and legal channels and purified in the economic cycle of society. As an emerging phenomenon, money laundering plays a major role in creating a platform for corruption, and on the other hand, corruption plays an important role in the production of money laundering, protects it, and is present in all stages of money laundering. The emergence of many dangerous crimes such as smuggling and corruption, therefore, in order to combat money laundering as one of the manifestations of disrupting economic security, a favorable antecedent and posterior mechanism should be designed in the three areas of laws, procedures and practices and implemented in the form of legislation. In the current research, we are looking for the method of library collection, after explaining the phenomenon of money laundering crime, to deal with a series of previous mechanisms necessary to reduce the realization of this financial crime.
