Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of international Qom, Qom, I.R.Iran
2 Mashhad Azad university, Mashhad, I.R.Iran
3 West Tehran Islamic Azad University, Tehran, I.R.Iran
Basically, the phenomenon of international terrorism in the international community has always been faced with concerns that have the potential to disrupt the political atmosphere of countries. On the other hand, the constant movement and displacement of people associated with these movements is another problem that countries are struggling with. This research has addressed the issue that basically the approach of governments towards the phenomenon of asylum and its subsequent rights in order to shelter the flow of international terrorism is a harassing trend towards governments and for various reasons tries to deprive and prevent these people from seeking asylum, who are usually other refugees who are harmed by this trend. In this regard, the Security Council Resolution 1373 and the 1951 Convention have also referred to the protection of victims of terrorism. By adopting a descriptive-analytical approach and in a library format, this research seeks to answer the question of what is the relationship between the protection of refugees and the phenomenon of terrorism and how can we distinguish between them? The findings of this study indicate that, in order to eradicate the flow of international terrorism, refugee-receiving countries should try to implement the resolutions and programs proposed in existing conventions and treaties in the field of defending victims of terrorism, as well as to prevent crimes committed by refugees, and by monitoring them, distinguish between real refugees and terrorists.