A Study of the Crime of Genocide as a Breach of Minority Human Rights with a Focus on the Myanmar Genocide

Document Type : Original Article


Master student of International Law, Faculty of Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


The Rohingya people are a Muslim minority who comprise less than 5 percent of the 55 million inhabitants of the Union of Myanmar. They have been subjected to organized crimes by the country's army and government, which amount to systematic human rights violations and the crime of genocide, according to international law and criminal standards and their application to the situation of the Rohingya Muslim minority. Genocide is a crime against human rights because it violates the most basic and obvious human right-the right to live. The violence perpetrated by Myanmar's military forces at different stages against the Rohingya ethnic and religious minority clearly shows the mens rea and actus reus of genocide in Myanmar. Despite the fact that genocide infringes on the most important human right, the right to live, international law has not been very successful in protecting this ethnic minority. One of the main barriers to the protection of the Rohingya ethnic minority is that international law does not have a clear definition of their status and especially the nature of their relationship to their homeland; it only refers to them as a minority that suffers from torture, harassment, and discrimination. The fundamental problem, however, is that the Myanmar government denies the identity and historical links of these people as an ethnic minority to the land of Myanmar. Therefore, the authors' hypothesis is that despite all the efforts of international law, the Rohingya ethnic minority has not derive a benefit. The aim of this article is to examine, using a descriptive-analytical method, the crime of genocide as a breach of minority human rights, with a focus on the Myanmar genocide.


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