An overview of the sovereignty over the three islands of Abu Musa, Great Tunb, and Little Tunb from the perspective of international law

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D in international law, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, I.R.Iran


The issue of development of activity and population in the southern islands of Iran, considering the successful global experiences on the one hand and the existence of significant neglected opportunities and advantages on the other hand, is one of the issues of interest in the National Territory Development Document approved on 12.11.1399 by the Supreme Council of Territory Development. This is even though since the early years of the Islamic Revolution, the issue of the United Arab Emirates' claim to sovereignty over the three islands has been repeatedly raised during these four decades. This article evaluates the evidence of Iran and the claims of the United Arab Emirates regarding the sovereignty over the three islands from the perspective of international law, using an analytical-descriptive method. The achievement of this research is based on historical evidence, the validity of the 1971 memorandum of understanding between Iran and Sharjah, the practical exercise of Iran's sovereignty over the islands, the existence of maps and historical documents, the principle of Staple and recognition of Iran's sovereignty and other legal facts indicate Iran's sovereignty over these islands.


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