Anti-corruption mechanisms and protection of public rights in the football federation

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master's degree in private law, Imam Sadeq University, Tehran, Iran

2 Imam Sadiq university


The Islamic revolution is based on the attitude that it will proceed according to justice, and will not act against morals and humanity; Nevertheless, we still encounter gangs abusing public property, which is contrary to the values ​​and criteria that the Islamic Revolution has achieved victory by relying on. The existence of these contradictions makes it necessary to examine the factors that cause corruption in football, of course, revealing the factors and examples of corruption in sports should not mean that corruption is spreading and cannot be fought against; Rather, it means that considering that one of the factors of lack of development in the country is the existence of corruption and lack of transparency, they should be dealt with by examining the factors in order to pursue development. If we can provide a clear definition of corruption and identify the effective factors in the formation of this phenomenon in football, we can usually find the preventive solutions and how to fight this problem; In this article, with a descriptive-analytical approach, the etymology and then executive measures to prevent corruption in Iranian football are discussed. Examples of corruption can be seen more or less in every organization, and sports organizations, considering the important responsibility they have in developing sports and ensuring people's health, damage caused by corruption can have a deeper impact on them. One of the informal and sensitive organizations in the field of football is the Football Federation, since its related matters are of interest to different groups, especially the youth, it is necessary to pay attention to the category of corruption in this federation. There should be a fight against corruption to prevent future damage.
