Social Security Organization policies and actions to protect the insured against the effects of Coronavirus

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Azad University, Karaj Branch, Karaj, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of shahed University, Tehran, Iran.


The outbreak of coronavirus has caused c psychological insecurity for all citizensVarious agencies and institutions have put a wide range of measures on the agenda to deal with this deadly virus. One of these important institutions is the Social Security organization, the purpose of the present study is the policiesof the Social Security Organization to protect the insured against the effects of coronavirus. Research Method In this research, the analytical method is descriptive. In this article, first the concepts of Social Security Organization, Corona virus and the insured are discussed, then  theoretical foundations of the Social Security Organization's entry to deal with the effects of Corona virus are discussed, and finally the actions of the Social Security Organization to deal with the effects of this virus on insurance. The victims have been examined. The results show that the Social Security Organization, in order to achieve high human goals, including, creating security and tranquility in life and with the tasks that it has to improve the living standards and social welfare of society, In order to reduce and deal with the effects of the corona virus, the current corona situation can be an example of the state of emergency subject to Article 79 of the Constitution and is also included in the crisis situation of the crisis management law, several measures have been put on the agenda in order to control the spread of the disease and break the chain of transmission.


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