Emergency Legislation, A Case Study of Coronavirus in the Iranian and Australian Legal Systems

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master's student in Public Law, School of Islamic Studies and Law, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Prof., Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Allameh Tabatabai, Tehran, Iran.


Predicting the "emergency situation" legal system is one of the requirements for dealing with the crisis and one of the important issues of public law in different countries. The outbreak of coronavirus in the first days of this year left all countries of the world in a complete crisis. Given the similarity of the type of crisis, the response of different systems can be the basis for adapting and improving the response to the crisis. The question of this article is "What legal rules have Iran and Australia used to manage the crisis caused by the corona crisis?"Although the Iranian legislature has provided for the main path to a state of emergency in Article 79 of the Constitution, In addition to the extra-legal powers of the leadership (Article 110), but to manage coronavirus disease, the government enlisted the authority of the Supreme National Security Council to enforce the required duties, restrictions and prohibitions. In contrast, the Australian Government, which has been comparatively studied, despite being federal in structure, Based on section 57 and 61 of its Constitution, with predictive structures and legal frameworks for different types of crises, along with the specific competence of each state, has declared a state of emergency and implements necessary duties, restrictions and prohibitions. The result of this adaptation is the expression of suggestions and correct solutions to improve and ameliorate the state of emergency in the Iranian legal system. The research method in this article is the characteristics of adaptation and the two legal systems of Iran and Australia.


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