The Impact of the Emergency Legal Framework on Russia's confrontation with the Covid-19

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Public International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.


Covid-19 is the biggest challenge of the 21st century. A disease for which no cure has been discovered up to date (September 2016) and its numerous deaths have raised the concern of governments, nations and international organizations. Dealing with the virus, preventing widespread outbreaks and trying to minimize its effects and casualties is the most important goal of member states of the international community in the context of Corona. The state of emergency caused by the spread of the virus has required different countries to implement a series of legal measures in this area. Using the experiences of different countries, especially in evaluating their performance and the impact of new policies and laws in accordance with the existing conditions, is an effective strategy in amending national laws. The Russian Federation as one of the most powerful and influential countries in the world, which is classified in the tradition of the written legal system can be considered in this regard. The main question states whether Corona virus pandemic is compatible with Emergency legal regime?  What is the legal approach of Russian federation in confrontation with Covid-19 and how it is evaluated? The results of this descriptive-analytical study show that Russia was able to control and manage the current dire situation to some extent by using the Emergency legal regime. Significant reforms such as reviewing the concept of emergency, announcing High Alert conditions, intensifying the punishment for violating regulations and instructions of emergencies and innovations such as creating an non-working days’ payment regime, launching a national system for registering symptoms And the application for monitoring self- quarantine can be seen in the legal system of this country.


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