International NGOs and securing Citizens' Rights during the Coronavirus Epidemic

Document Type : Original Article


1 Phd student of Public International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


In the wake of the Corona virus epidemic, which has plagued many countries around the world, unilateral US sanctions on Iran have exacerbated these problems and posed serious obstacles to securing citizenship rights. In these cases, governments are mainly trying to use all available capacities to get out of these problems. One of the contexts and capacities that has always helped countries to achieve their rights is non-governmental organizations. However, in the Iranian legal system, not only is this platform not used properly, but there are basically serious obstacles in the way of using these capacities. In this study, in order to answer the question of what are the solutions to get out of the current situation of the legal system around non-governmental organizations, in order to benefit and ensure civil rights during the Corona virus, the international capacities and harms of the domestic system are addressed. Finally, solutions in three areas are presented. It should be noted that the research method used in this paper is descriptive-analytical and the method of collecting library information.


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