A Comparative Study of the Imposition and Application of Cash Penalties in the Legal System of Iran and the European Union in days of struggling with CoronaVirus

Document Type : Original Article


MSc. student of Criminal Law and Islamic Studies, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran.


In parallel with the advancement of the covid-19 virus, countries around the world are trying to deal with the adverse consequences of this pandemic and in the field of public health control and ensuring public health by requiring compliance with health guidelines, take preventive measures, including They imposed fines. In this regard, the Iranian government, with the establishment of the National Headquarters against Corona, while imposing various regulations, approved financial penalties for public violations. The present study proves that the headquarters has the legal authority to regulate and criminalize And that the obligation to comply with health instructions with a view to protecting the health of the people is compatible with the concepts of freedom and collective interest and can be proven and traced in the Iranian legal system.In the second chapter of the article  the situation and reaction of the legal structure of the European Union to the imposition of fines are discussed and  becomes clear that the European Union has not made a detailed and accurate decision in this area based on the existing facts, and although the scope of protectionist regulations prevails with its recommendation-based approach, but in terms of requirements, by setting general frameworks For the joint action of the member states of the European Union, it enters indirectly and the determination of deterrent punishments, including fines, in order to determine the legislative goals of the "Council of the European Union" is entrusted to the management mechanisms of the member states.Thus, the legal structure of the EU and Iran, despite the similarities in the principle of restrictions on the issuance of the coronavirus; They have no legislative similarity in the field of fines.


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