Document Type : Original Article
MSc.student of Public Law, University of Judicial Sciences and Administrative Services, Tehran, Iran.
The protection of the human rights of the citizens of a society is one of the duties of the government of that society, so that the degree of effort and success of each government in protecting these rights is considered as a measure to assess its legitimacy. In the meantime, the judiciary has played a key role as a reference for citizens' litigation, and in fact, without its successful performance in pursuing possible human rights violations of the citizens of a society, one can not have much hope to ensure respect for human rights in that society. In this regard, it can be said that without a doubt, the success of the judiciary in protecting the human rights of individuals in society against possible arbitrariness of the executive branch, will be essential in guaranteeing and protecting the above rights.Given the important and effective role of the independent judiciary in protecting the human rights of individuals, judicial oversight of the process of limiting or suspending human rights can also play an effective role in preventing the potential role of human rights in restricting or suspending human rights.