The position of citizenship rights and freedoms in the intellectual system of martyr Beheshti

Document Type : Original Article


MSc. Student Faculty of Islamic Studies and Law, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran , Iran.


the main pillar of any government is the presence and participation of people in the arena of the country and this presence is subject to the observance of the rights and freedoms of the people in the individual and social arenas and The school of Islam does not only neglect this important matter, but rather in the heart of its high values, there is a great emphasis on the observance of citizenship rights and freedoms of muslim nation by Islamic authorities and it is obligatory for Islamic rulers to recognize this type of rights and obligations and to make their efforts to operationalize them. the victory of the Islamic revolution of iran led by imam khomeini opened a new and special horizontal position on the people to demand their citizenship rights and freedoms because the presence of the people was one of the fundamental pillars of the victory of the islamic revolution of iran and this important issue was pursued by Elected representatives of the people in the Assembly of Experts for Constitution until the third chapter of this law was named as the nation's rights. meanwhile, martyr beheshti as deputy chairman of this Assembly has a prominent role in approving the principles of national sovereignty, The role of the people in running the government and recognition and observance of their citizenship rights and freedoms. the main question of this article is that what are the views and thoughts of martyr beheshti as one of the most important intellectual leaders of Islamic revolution in the field of citizenship rights and freedoms of iranian people by relying on the principles of constitution of Islamic republic of iran.


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