Investigating the supervisory performance of the National Supervisory Organization on government agencies in order to improve the business environment

Document Type : Original Article


MSc. Student in Public Law, Faculty Islamic Study and Law, Imam Sadiq (AS) University, Tehran, Iran.


Given the priority of economic activities, including employment in the general policies of the system and the slogans of the Supreme Leader in recent years, business activities are one of the most important research topics. The Supervision of the judiciary, as one of the basic levers in law enforcement, has a special role in overseeing the executive apparatus and improving the business environment due to its higher binding nature than other oversights. Among the various institutions of this branch, the Inspectorate General of the country has a more supervisory relationship with the executive apparatus, according to the responsibilities set forth in Article 174  of the Constitution and other ordinary laws. There are many gaps in the Supervisory of the National Inspection Organization on these devices, which as a result can have adverse effects on the business environment in the country. Accordingly, in this article, to improve the supervisory performance of the inspection organization in improving the business environment by recognizing the supervisory capacity of the organization and describing its supervisory challenges, solutions that can improve the supervisory quality of the organization and, consequently, facilitate the business environment. And offer lead work.


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