Analysis of the relationship between paternalism and restriction of citizens' rights and freedoms in the Iranian legal system .

Document Type : Original Article


PhD Student in Public Law, Faculty Islamic Study and Law, Imam Sadiq (AS) University, Tehran, Iran.


Attention to the principles of restricting the rights and freedoms of citizens in society is one of the issues that play an important role in explaining the restriction of rights and freedoms of citizens by legal systems. In the meantime, paying attention to the self-interest of individuals in legislation is an approach that is called "paternalism" in the philosophy of law. The adoption of this theory expands the scope of criminalization and restriction of actions based solely on the "principle of harm". Given the existence of Article 40 of the Constitution, which states that the conditions for exercising the rights of individuals are "no harm to others" and "prohibition of encroachment on public interests", the question arises as to "What is the legal status of Iran?" The present study seeks to answer this question with an analytical-descriptive method and with library tools. Justification of legislation based on paternalism and the existence of examples in private law as well as criminal law, which seems to be able to justify their existence in the Iranian legal system based on this view, causes the determination of legislative criteria in the Iranian legal system beyond the principle of harm. To know.


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