Pathology of execution of judgments of Administrative Justice Court in order to guarantee public rights

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Public Law, University of Qom, Qom, Iran

2 PhD Student in Public Law, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.


The correct and effective implementation of judicial rulings confirms the establishment of the rule of law and demonstrates the ability and efficiency of the judiciary in the system of governance of societies. This issue is doubly important in the case of judicial authorities that deal with citizens' complaints against government and administrative bodies. The necessity of studying and pathology of the mechanism of execution of judgments in the Court of Administrative Justice also stems from this fact, because for the above reasons, the execution of judgments issued by this body is fundamentally different from other judicial authorities and can be used as an indicator of citizens' rights and freedoms. He counted. For this purpose, the present study, with a descriptive-analytical and pathological method, has designed and studied some of the most important issues and challenges of implementing the rulings of the branches of the Administrative Justice Court. The research has divided the challenges in this field into three parts: structure, process and procedure, and while examining the examples of each title has provided solutions to improve and streamline the enforcement mechanism of the rulings of the Court of Administrative Justice.


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