Comparative comparison of the concept of right in the legal school of positivism and the legal school of Islam

Document Type : Original Article


PhD Student in Public Law, Imam Sadiq (AS) University, Tehran, Iran.


The growing spread of empiricism has also affected the social sciences, including law, and created the school of legal positivism. According to legal positivism, all concepts, including legal rights and duties, must necessarily be passed through positivist filtering. This idea wants to make law a science like the natural sciences. In contrast, the divine schools of law are rooted in revelation and have completely different epistemological foundations. The most central concept in the changing world of law is the concept of "right". This article tries to make a descriptive and analytical comparison of the concept of right in the two schools of legal positivism and the legal school of Islam. It seems that legal positivism and Islam in the axes of the origin of the right, the relationship of the right with moral and extra-legal values, and the scope and examples of the right, there are serious and sometimes conflicting differences regarding this concept. In positivism, the right is in fact the law of the subject, but in Islam the law of the subject must be based on the right. Positivists believe in the separation of moral values from laws, but in Islam, laws derive their validity from moral values based on sharia, and the range of rights in the Islamic approach is wider than the positivist approach, and includes spiritual and divine rights.


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