A Research in French Public Law and Its Influence on Dr. Ghazi’s Thoughts

Document Type : Original Article


PhD Student in Public Law, Imam Sadiq (AS) University, Tehran, Iran.


Public law in Iran have been influenced by the French legal system since its inception. Consequently, the foundations of public law in Iran were also influenced by the thought of French lawyers. One of these is the "separation between public and private law" that occurred in France for political and social reasons. Another important ground in public law is the "institutionalism in public law” which was influenced by theorists such as Maurice Hauriou. The third basis is the French interpretation of "rule of law" which had a special place for the French scholars. These bases in public law which are the results of the thought of Bordeaux and Toulouse schools and the practice of the French legal system in the past, now it also affects Dr. Ghazi’s legal thoughts. These issues have manifested itself in the form of government and the separation of powers, pure legalism in solving legal problems and inflation of laws, the emphasis on the formal rule of law, process, rules and standards relating to the legislation and enforcement of laws in the country, the rules and general principles of Administrative law and many more.


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