Critique and amendment of articles of the Law on the Organization and Procedure of the Court of Administrative Justice in the light of civil rights

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Public Law, Islamic Azad University, Sciences and Research Branch & Judge of the Court of Administrative Justice, Tehran, Iran.

2 Court of Administrative Justice, Law Amendment, Citizenship Rights, General Board, Jurisdiction.


The Court of Administrative Justice in Iran, as one of the great achievements of the Islamic Revolution, has had a high and valuable position in the Iranian judicial system and has had a great impact on citizenship rights. Part of the citizenship rights of individuals in society is related to their rights in relation to government departments and organizations and public non-governmental organizations, which, due to the nature of government public rights, are on one side and there are private individuals on the other who defend their personal interests. They say that this inequality may lead to the violation of citizens' rights, so guaranteeing and protecting the public rights of citizens against and dealing with departments, governmental organizations and public non-governmental organizations in the law of organization and procedure of the Court of Administrative Justice is important in the jurisdiction of the Court of Administrative Justice. Is. Laws related to the organization and jurisdiction of the Administrative Justice Court have undergone various changes since the establishment of this institution, and the Law on the Organization and Procedure of the Administrative Justice Court was approved as the last will of the legislator in 2013. Revealing its shortcomings and weaknesses, the plan to amend articles of the Law on the Organization and Procedure of the Court of Administrative Justice has been announced in two stages in 2018 and 2021. Citizenship rights have been studied.


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