Capacities of legal technology to guarantee public rights and improve the guarantee of its implementation


1 PhD Student in Public Law, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Student in Public Law, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran.


The legal system of each country, as an important and fundamental piece of the puzzle of the governing system of that country, has undergone serious developments and changes in its historical course in order to adapt to the new requirements and capacities and take full advantage of the new opportunities available. In this regard, legal technology is one of the most important developments that the world's legal systems have used to fulfill their missions, including guaranteeing public rights. This article tries to explain the usable opportunities of legal technology in order to guarantee public rights and upgrade its executive guarantee by using the library method and studies of international experiences in utilizing the capacities of legal technology. A study that shows that legal technology creates a platform for raising public awareness of their rights, collecting governance affairs and public participation in various fields such as supervision, legislation in addition to increasing the social capital of the government and public trust, extra-legal and far stronger sanction. Create a guarantee of public rights. However, despite the existence of more than four decades of legal technology, the Iranian legal system initially stands in its way and the proper and efficient use of this opportunity requires a correct and professional approach with full knowledge of its dimensions.


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