Civil liability of government in damages caused by covid-19 to citizens in Iranian legal system

Document Type : Original Article


1 Student of Master in Private Law, Faculty of law , University of Imam sadiq, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Private Law, Faculty oF Law , University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


One of the purposes of law is to adapt to the emergence of new issues. In this paper, the impact of rights from the coronary heart disease is examined. In a situation where the damage caused by the corona is not the fault of a particular person and apparently no one can be held responsible, it is important to find a way to compensate.  It is possible that the pillars of civil liability and the Iranian civil liability laws based on fault and the three pillars of that particular person are not responsible for compensating for the damages caused by this disease. In order to compensate the loss by the government for the benefit of the citizens, in the present article, in a library method, in Iranian law, including the subject laws, theories are accepted and a brief look at jurisprudence, the civil liability of the government against Corona is examined. First to report the prevalence and origin of coronary heart disease, then to the concept of government and then to the analysis of civil liability in Iranian law and new theories of civil liability in which fault has been eliminated or assumed, such as risk theory, theory of equality of citizens in tolerance, theory Guarantee of right, the theory of the insurer state, the theory of the welfare state has been studied, which has been selected by analyzing the pillars of civil liability in Iran, a combination of several theories to force the government to compensate.


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