The approach of the Islamic Republic to the protection of the right to culture and education of religious minorities

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc Student of Public law, Qom University, Qom, Iran

2 MSc Student of Public law, Qom University, Qom, Iran.


The will of the founding power of the revolutionaries in establishing the Islamic Republic was based on the stability of Islamic laws in society, so the Islamic Republic was approved. In the realization of the revolution, the role of religious minorities along with other peoples was colorful. They played an active role in realizing their fundamental rights and freedoms. Therefore, after the victory of the revolution, rules were enacted to guarantee and secure their rights. This study seeks to prove the realization of citizenship rights of religious and religious minorities in Iran in the field of cultural and spiritual rights by emphasizing the right of minorities to education. In this study, while emphasizing the library method, by studying the laws, regulations and binding documents, we examine the approach of the legal system of the Islamic Republic and answer the question whether the cultural and spiritual rights of minorities, especially their right to education. Has it been realized in the system of the Islamic Republic? The meaning of minority is assumed in the same sense as prescribed in the constitution. Finally, after reviewing and analyzing the legal materials, the realization of these rights has been confirmed by the government and we conclude that minorities in the legal system of the Islamic Republic in terms of guaranteeing cultural and spiritual rights, especially the right to education from a privileged position And have a high.


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سامانه جامع نظرات شورای نگهبان
سامانه ملی آراء قضائی
سامانه ملی قوانین و مقررات جمهوری اسلامی ایران
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