Analysis of freedom of assembly and demonstration in the Iranian legal system and international documents

Document Type : Original Article


1  PhD student in Public Law, University of Tabriz, East Azarbaijan, Iran

2 PhD student in Public Law, University of Tabriz, East Azarbaijan, Iran.


One of the most valuable freedoms of the twentieth century is the freedom of communities. God Almighty has pledged "freedom" in human beings so that human beings can join other human beings at any time and place of their own free will. Freedom of association, or the right to freedom of association, which is widely recognized internationally, regionally and nationally in various human rights instruments in the field of civil and political rights: Express or promote and defend them, the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran also recognized this right for Iranians to form temporary legal communities to exchange views and express their demands. According to Article 27 of the Iranian Constitution, in order to form temporary or public gatherings, the two conditions of "non-carrying of weapons" and "not violating the principles of Islam" are necessary. Also, informing about holding meetings or obtaining a permit is another challenge and obstacle that can be imagined in this freedom for individuals. Therefore, in this article, while examining the freedom of association in Iranian law, the challenges of achieving this freedom, such as: being peaceful, not violating the principles of Islam and obtaining a license according to international documents, will be discussed.


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