The evolution of the concept of public freedoms after the Islamic Revolution

Document Type : Original Article


public law, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran, Iran


This article deals with the evolution of the concept of public freedoms after the Islamic Revolution in a comparative comparison with before and during the imperial period. The main question is whether there has been a fundamental change in this concept after the Islamic Revolution? And if yes, What was this change? And what factors and theoretical and practical changes have caused this change? Our method in this research is descriptive-analytical method; In such a way that the concept of public freedoms from the main source of legal knowledge that is, the constitution was extracted and described before and after the Islamic Revolution and its characteristics in a comparative approach to before and after the Islamic Revolution we analyze and study. The results of this study show that with the victory of the Islamic Revolution; Paying attention to the attitude of the leaders and legislator of the constitution to basic human and legal concepts including freedom in the theoretical dimension, and the formation and evolution of institutions and the structure of government after the Islamic Revolution in the practical dimension it represents the deep, wide and positive evolution of the concept of public freedoms in the Islamic system and the constitution of the Islamic Republic its manifestation is especially evident in the chapter on the rights of the nation.


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