The influence of the Islamic Revolution in the revival and guarantee of citizenship rights with a comparative look at the Constitutionalism Era’s Constitution

Document Type : Original Article


Continuing master's degree student in Islamic Education and Law of the Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran


citizenship rights are among the concepts which include the rights and obligations of citizens and the government towards each other. the occurrence of any revolution creates fundamental changes in theoretical and practical bases of the country. Following the constitutional revolution, the amendment of the constitutionalism era’s constitution was recognized as the rights of the nation, but had not raised a comprehensive view of some issues, including women's citizenship rights. but after the victory of the islamic revolution of iran and establishment of islamic republic and constitution determination, the third chapter of this law was devoted to the declaration of citizen rights of the people of iran, which significantly recognized the constitutional rights of the people. this study examines the influence of islamic revolution in the supply and guarantees of citizenship rights of iranian people in comparison to constitutionalism era’s constitution and the Amendment of it and some examples of this effect


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