The Study of Citizens' participation Right in legislation Relies on New Technologies

Document Type : Original Article


1  Masters student in Faculty of Islamic Studies and Law, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran

2 Graduate Faculty of Islamic Studies and Law, LLM in Public Law, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran, Iran.


Citizens' participation in legislation is one of the rights that should be considered according to the requirements of the legislature and communities. The right of citizens to participate in the administration of state affairs is determined by their most basic rights. Although in the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran the terms citizen and citizenship rights have not been used there are still other relevant terms like nation's rights, public rights, general rights, individual and social rights which have been frequently used. Citizenship and participation are two concepts that are not separated in the field of society and legislation. Localization of citizens' participation in legislation as one of their political rights is one of the findings of the present article, which is explained according to the value and political principles of the country.The question of this work is How we can executive the right of participation and what’s its mechanism? Given the subject-matter of current article we have taken advantage of the descriptive-analytic approach together with the library and documented method. Furthermore, we have gathered the required data via evaluation of the scientific articles in this field. "As far as we are concerned about active envolment of citizens in legislative decision-making processes allowing them to contribute to decisions that may have an impact on their lives. Finally, the new technologies are accepted, such CrowdLaw, as the applying of the right of participation in legislation and its usefulness is explained.


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ج. پایگاه‌های اینترنتی

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