Requirements for Securing and Guaranteeing Citizenship Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran from the Perspective of the Supreme Leader

Document Type : Original Article


1 Masters student in Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran, Iran

2 Masters student in Faculty of Islamic Studies and Law, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran, Iran.


The emergence of citizenship rights can be considered as coinciding with the emergence of the first governments; Because the members of the society have citizenship rights according to their position and status. Islam pays special attention to civil rights and always advises governors and government officials to protect public rights. The Islamic Republic of Iran, which claims the flag of Islam at this time, is more proud of its civil rights than it was during the Taghut era. The aim of this study is to "Count and study the requirements of securing and guaranteeing citizenship rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran from the perspective of the Supreme Leader" by examining his statements from 1363 to 1399 and using the method of content analysis has answered this question that: "From the Supreme Leader's point of view, what requirements should the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran follow to ensure and guarantee citizenship rights?". The results of this research indicate that the requirements for securing and guaranteeing civil rights by the Islamic Republic from the perspective of the Supreme Leader are four: "Administration of justice", "Create welfare", "Security" and "Establishing freedom".


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