The Challenge of Human Rights and the Security Council in The Framework of Responsibility System

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Law, Imam Sadegh University, Iran, Tehran


The Security Council as prime responsible for international peace and security has been prepared by special authorities in achieving the objectives envisaged in the Charter of the United Nations. The Security Council Such as other UN organs is obliged to obey the Purposes of the UN including “to achieve international cooperation in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all”. On the other hand, a large number of basic human rights norms as being part of general international law oblige all international actors to respect them and any violations by them of such norms reach to international responsibility. However, some of actions of the UN Security Council were incompatible with obligations incumbent upon it, especially in context of established human rights and humanitarian law norms. Sanctions that directly or indirectly cause deaths would be a violation of the right to life. Other human rights could also be violated by sanctions regimes, such as the rights to security of the person, health, education or employment. Obviously, such measures must be viewed as illegal in context of human rights and humanitarian law, therein engage the responsibility of the UN Security Council. This article with descriptive and analytical approach investigates the UN Security Council's responsibility in viewpoint of human rights norms and evaluates some of challenges in this area.


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