Are the Human Rights Morally Universal? (Critique of Moral foundations of the Universal Human Rights)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Imam Sadegh University, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Law, Tehran, Iran


Since the description of "universality" is one of the most important attributes of "human rights" recognized in the present age, the theorists have extensively attempted to analyze the principles of universality of human rights. Moral theories as extra-legal solutions are one the most important directions to achieve this goal in a way that recognizing the human rights norms as moral ones have been the greatest reason for proving the universality of human rights. The examination of moral theories having the capacity of presenting the universal norms indicates the allegations posed in this regard aren’t true; Even the Kant’s moral theory presenting the moral rules as universal and humanistic, in addition not to cover a very important part of the human rights aspects, is faced with many theoretical problems. The research method is analytical.


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