Islamic Human Rights Compared with Western Human Rights: Universality or Relativism (Analitical Critique of Religious Intellectualism)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, University of Judicial Sciences, Tehran, Iran


The present article includes a comparative study of Islamic approach and western approach about human rights and the general orientation of this review concentrates on Universality and Relativism of human rights. The main question of this article is that what differences exist between Islamic human rights and Western human rights in respect of universality and relativism of human rights. Answering to this question, it should be noted that western approach on human rights claiming universality of this rights and it believes that these rights are ultra-spot and timeless, in spite of the diversity of cultures, ethnicity and religions and thus suppose its innovative human rights extensible elsewhere in the world. Islamic approach on human rights emphasizing Human Nature as a common unity of all humans, believes too in universal ultra-spot and timeless human rights; Nevertheless the practice of Islamic States, in contrast with the imposed western approach, willing to relativism, in order to escape from executing that law. The present article confirming the hypothesis concludes that the difference between approach and practice of Islamic states in this respect is reasonable; because the first is non phenomenological and the second is phenomenological. In adition it criticizes the position of religious intellectualism about the matter.


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