Human Rights Ties and the Ruling Law on the Trade in the World; an Endeavour to Solve the Paradox

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The ruling law on universal trade is associated with some requirements in which the universal human rights expects the states to act on the contrary. The analysis of the duties imposed by these two systems indicates an inconsistency which in many cases is buried in the world trade commitments and in the universal human rights. The normalizations of these two paradigms which incidentally are both qualified to the universe have one engaged called as the state. It’s obvious that the states in most of the instances are obliged to ignore some parts of their commitments in case of contradiction of the commitments and obligations. This article focusing on this contradiction and its detailed explanation provides some solutions by which applying the universal trade law wouldn’t be assumed as a pretext to abuse the recognized human rights.



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