Challenges to freedom of assembly and protest in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


Masters student in Faculty of Islamic Studies and Law, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran, Iran.


What is seen in connection with Article 27 of the Constitution, is the stipulation of the public freedom of expression of the people collectively. But the emergence of this freedom in the context of society has faced challenges, including the existence of the conditions referred to in this principle, as well as the political and security considerations that often lead governments to conservatism. In this article tries to explain these restrictions first and then to answer the questions, whether the principle of "freedom of association and marches" with the condition of obtaining a collectible permit can be answered in a descriptive-analytical way and in the method of collecting library-internet resources. Is it or not? What is the duty of the government in recognizing and holding and organizing gatherings and marches and guaranteeing the mentioned right to the nation? Can Article 27 of the Constitution be a license to impose restrictions on rallies and demonstrations, or does it seem sufficient under this principle to merely declare the intention to hold rallies? And Finally, after criticizing the government's decision to implement this freedom, we will make suggestions for its implementation to ensure the legitimate freedoms of the people.


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