Feasibility study of the realization of the concept of sovereignty as a condition of citizenship rights; from MASHROOTEH to Islamic Revolution

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Islamic studies and Public Law, ده Faculty of Islamic studies and Law, Imam Sadegh (AS) University, Tehran, Iran


Sovereignty is one of the most fundamental concepts of public law and politics, and any change in it affects the whole of public law and politics and the relationship of power with people. Citizenship- and citizenship rights - is also the expression of a situation in which, due to the individual's relationship with the sovereignty, rights and obligations are created for the individual. The question of the present inquiry was "Study of the concept of sovereignty as a legal-historical phenomenon beyond the two MASHROOTEH and the Islamic revolution."in order to find out what concept has been realized as sovereignty after two revolution (MASHROOTEH revolution and Islamic revolution).
The result and outcome of this inquiry was that the concept of sovereignty in modern Iran always has been a fragmented and has never been able to be a unit to explanation itself. This fragmentation was/ is the result of the efforts of opposed forces -in different eras- and their influence in the formation of this concept in the Iranian legal system.
The present inquiry has clarified the historical phenomenon of sovereignty by examining the legal doctrines and statements of opposed currents with the method of inferential, interpretive and reasoning, in the form of documents, and referring to the text of lawyers and expressing their theories. The present inquiry has tried to formulate the phenomenon of sovereignty to prove this fragmentation.


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